West Texas Trail Museum

Located in Moorcroft, the West Texas Trail Museum brings to life the epic journeys and rugged adventures of the trail drivers who traveled the historic West Texas Trail. Discover the challenges and triumphs of the cowboys and settlers who shaped the American West. The museum's extensive collection of artifacts and exhibits offers a fascinating glimpse into this adventurous era.

Support the West Texas Trail Museum

What is your legacy?

For 30 years, the West Texas Trail Museum and the Moorcroft Historical Society has provided quality educational and community programs and services in our schools and our community. We work hard to preserve our history as a community and enthusiastically enjoy sharing our legacy. Our museum receives approximately 2,500 patrons a year and we are hoping to purchase the house next door and add an outdoor museum to our area.

West Texas Trail Museum
Jun 21

As a 501(3)c non-profit organization, the West Texas Trail Museum relies on the support of individuals and businesses to help support our programs and services.  Your support through tax-deductible donations directly enhance our fundraising efforts and aid us in achieving our future goals! 

Ways you can support the West Texas Trail Museum:

Donate Funds


Donate Artifacts


West Texas Trail Museum and Moorcroft Historical Society (MHS) invite you to renew your membership or become a first time member. We cannot do the things we do with your support.

West Texas Trail Museum operates on the financial support of donations from tourists, donations from the community, MHS memberships, fundraisers, grants, and the Crook County Museum District (CCMD). Unfortunately there are many things the CCMD budget is unable to support. For example, the district funds cannot be spent on building repair or maintenance purposes. All such projects must be paid for from the funds of the Moorcroft Historical Society. The support you provide with your membership will long be cherished by the Moorcroft Historical Society. Whether you reside in the Moorcroft community or in another town or state, you understand the importance of preserving history

Memorial Funds

Whether you reside in the Moorcroft community or in another town or state, you understand the importance of preserving history. It is also very easy to set up planned giving to the Moorcroft Historical Society. A simple sentence stating that you would like to leave a dollar amount or a percentage of your estate to the Moorcroft Historical Society with your final wishes will do the job.

Sponsor a Project/Program

We work hard to bring exciting new things to our community and would like to extend an invitation for you to join us when you can. Of course, these programs cost money and with your help we are able to bring exciting things to Moorcroft for your enjoyment.